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Wildcat Solar

Quality Solar Since 2012

Solar is Here to Stay

9.0 kW Elmont NY
4.7 kW Bellmore NY


Nationwide over 5 million customers have Solar on their roof and that number is increasing every day.


  • With NYC the 3rd highest electricity rates in the country,  Solar has become a basic necessity.

  •  As low as 2 year payback. 

  •  Electrical rates continue to climb, equipment costs are stable and government incentives are in full force.

We are old-school.  The owner started in the field in 2007 and over the next 15 years put over 85 residential and 12 commercial under his belt. 

  • There is no magic in Solar - just straight-forward numbers, electrical production guarantee and standing with the customer no matter the obstacles.

Give us a call or send over an email.  All we need is an address and an approximation of your monthly bill.  The rest is easy.

Based in Queens

We pride ourselves on the quality of our work and we stand behind it.

  • 24/7 Monitoring 

  • 72 hour response time

  • Monthly Production Reports

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